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End of Dragons Story

These are the storylines & achievements found in the End of Dragons. For achievements in the individual chapters, click on the chapter name. Click here for Map achievements.

Story Chapter/Name                                             Story    Ach

Act 1: Prologue: Convergence

            ● Good To See You

Act 1: Chapter 1: Old Friends

             ● The Great Escape

             ● Dear Diary

             ● For Lion's Arch

             ● Think Before You Leap

             ● This isn't Cannon

Act 1: Chapter 2: Outreach (Fishing Rod unlock)

Act 1: Chapter 3: Your Kind of People

            ● Bloodhound

            ● A Combo of One

            ● All Due Respect

            ● Mantis Pose

Act 1: Chapter 4: Can't Trust a Pirate

Act 2: Chapter 5: The Scenic Route (Skiff & Jade Bot unlock)

            ● All to Code & Take That, Bureaucrat!

            ● The Premium Tour

Act 2: Chapter 6: The Future in Jade

Act 2: Chapter 7: Deepest Secrets

            ● Mai Goodness

Act 3: Chapter 8: Fallout

            ● Study of the Macabre

Act 3: Chapter 9: To Catch a Spider

Act 3: Chapter 10: Empty

Act 4: Chapter 11: In the Name of the Law

             ● Objection!

Act 4: Chapter 12: Weight of the World

             ● A Woman of Culture

             ● Family Values

             ● Munchies

Act 5: Chapter 13: Extraction Point

           ● Competent Commander

           ● True Ending

Act 5: Chapter 14: The Only One

Act 5: Chapter 15: The Cycle, Reborn


Act 5: Chapter 16: What Lies Beneath

           ● A Raw Deal

             - Don't Mind If I Do

             - Party Animal

             - Pleasant Present

           ● On the Case

             - Thorough Investigator

             - Body-Language Basics

           ● An Air of Mystery

           ● Deep Trouble

Act 5: Chapter 17: Deep Research

           - Sleuthing A Solution

Act 5: Chapter 18: What Lies Within

           ● A Plan Emerges

           ● Bottle Your Emotions

           ● Emotional Release

              - Kurzick Book Worm

           ● Entrapment

           ● Full Circle

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