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Mastery Points

The Mastery system is an account-wide progression system available once players reach level 80, the maximum level available. Masteries are abilities unlocked through the mastery system and are each associated with a mastery track. Mastery tracks are organized by region. Each mastery point need only be obtained once per account and has an associated achievement marked with the relevant mastery point symbol in the achievement UI. Mastery training progress is also account-wide, allowing progression to be made on any level 80 character that gains experience.

Players unlock masteries by fully training a selected mastery track and spending the requisite number of mastery points in the mastery tab of the Hero (press H) window. Once a character reaches level 80, its experience bar is replaced with the mastery training bar, and players train a selected mastery track by gaining experience.

List of Mastery Points

Search for Mastery Points by zone or name below. Click on the name for written guides or the play button to see the video.

Central Tyria

Heart of Maguuma

Crystal Desert

Icebrood Saga

End of Dragons

Using Mastery Points

Mastery points can be spent on selected Mastery tracks; they are earned from completing achievements within the game, but may only be spent after reaching level 80.

These achievements include but are not limited to:

  • Interacting with Maguuma Mastery Insight locations

  • Completing achievements for a story chapter or step (a maximum of one point per chapter on an account basis, up to a total of 11)

  • Finishing various scavenger hunt/location hunting achievements

  • Defeating certain world bosses

  • Earning silver or gold in an adventure

  • Achieving world completion

Mastery Track

Mastery tracks are split between regions; each region has a separate set of mastery points earned from different achievements, which can only be spent on the respective masteries. Before masteries from a given track can be trained, the entire track must be unlocked by completing a certain task.

Zone                             Total                 Unlock Requirement

Crystal Desert: 84 Total Mastery Points

13 MP

14 MP

14 MP

14 MP

12 MP

12 MP

5 MP

Completing PoF story chapter 1: 
Sparking the Flame.

Complete “Help out around Highjump Ranch” heart.

Complete “Use a skimmer to help with training around the ranch” heart.

Complete “Help Drojkor, Spirit Squall, control jackals” heart.

Complete the Living World Season 4 Episode 3 Chapter 2.

Complete the Open Skies achievements.

Completing Living World Season 4 Episode 1: Daybreak.

Raptor Mount

Springer Mount

Skimmer Mount

Jackal Mount

Roller Beetle Mount

Griffon Mount

Crystal Champion

Heart of Thorns: 124 Total Mastery Points

31 MP

31 MP

19 MP

31 MP

8 MP

4 MP

Completing Torn from the Sky

Completing Torn from the Sky

Entering Auric Basin

Entering Tangled Depths

Killing a boss in the Forsaken Thicket raid

Entering Bloodstone Fen

19 MP

19 MP

19 MP

Central Tyria: 49 Total Mastery Points


Completing Torn from the Sky

Completing Torn from the Sky

Completing Torn from the Sky

6 MP

7 MP

7 MP

7 MP

16 MP

20 MP

Icebrood Saga: 63 Total Mastery Points


Completing The Icebrood Saga

Completing The Icebrood Saga

Completing The Icebrood Saga

Completing The Icebrood Saga

Completing The Icebrood Saga

Completing Tidings and Midgivings

20 MP

14 MP

15 MP

20 MP

20 MP

End of Dragons: 89 Total Mastery Points


Completing Old Friends

Purchasing the skiff from the Hall Director Soohee task vendor in Seitung Province

Completing The Scenic Route

Completing Fallout

Unlocking the siege turtle by acquiring a Turtle Egg and completing the subsequent collections

Mastery Experience

If you own Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire and one of your character reaches level 80 and completes the story chapter Torn from the Sky (HoT) or Sparking the Flame (PoF), the Masteries tab will unlock in the Hero panel for your account. You can also open this panel by clicking on the experience bar. In this tab, you can select one unlocked mastery track per region as active by clicking on the check mark icon on the left of the chosen mastery’s row. There are currently three mastery regions: Heart of Maguuma, Central Tyria and Crystal Desert.

All experience gained on any level 80 character on your account while in one of the regions will be applied to the respective active mastery. You can freely switch the active masteries without any cost, as the amount of experience previously gained will be saved until you return to train that mastery.

Once the current active mastery is fully trained by obtaining enough experience, the experience bar will start blinking and you can spend a certain amount of mastery points in the Masteries tab to permanently unlock the mastery on your account.

Before you spend the points or switch to train another mastery, any experience gained will be redirected to train the first unlocked, untrained, least progressed mastery track in the list for the same region instead, if one is available


  • The hero panel to change your current mastery cannot be opened by clicking on the experience bar while in combat, the current mastery can however be changed at any time in the hero panel if it’s opened previously or by any other means.

  • Obtained Masteries are active regardless of level. That means even a Level 2 character can glide if Glider Basics has already been unlocked on a Level 80 character on the same account.

  • Experience received in WvW currently does not contribute to any mastery track.

  • Once all tracks in a region are completed, experience goes towards a 254,000 repeatable track to gain 1 Spirit Shard.



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