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Hungry Cats Scavenger Hunt

There are hungry cats and kittens found all over Tyria. You can feed some of them and have them appear in your home instance. Feeding these cats affects all home instances for all characters of the account.

Cat Type


Gray Cat

Collecting a cat will make a Dead Bird appear in the home instance, occasionally. After five days, a gray cat will also appear at the entrance every time it's entered.

Feeding the Feline Familiar will make her appear next to the Raw Candy Corn in the home instance.

Feeding Lady Wisteria Whiskington during the Confessor's End mission will make her appear next to the Bloodstone Crystal Node in the home instance.

Feeding both Yellow Catmander and Blue Catmander will spawn two kitten zergs stacking on their respective Catmanders. 

Rescuing the frozen Snow Leopard Cub near the Bitterfrost Frontier Insight: The Bitter Cold will make the cub appear in your home instance and follow you around. You do not need to feed the cub anything, but you must thaw the cub out with Koda's Flame and you must be under the effects of Cold Resistance. When rescued, the cub gets infatuated's visual effect.

Feeding the 2 hungry orange cats will make them appear near the Christmas tree in your home instance.

Feeding profession specific cats in the starting areas or, in the Heart of the Mists for Revenants, will add up to nine black cats that appear in home instances fighting one other, together with a juvenile frog!

Feeding ice cream desserts to the four cats in Dry Top and The Silverwastes will add black cats that appear in home instances playing with a snowball.

Feeding super hot soups to the four frozen cats in the cities during Wintersday will make them appear in a warm place of each home instance around a pot of hot soup made by the cats.

Feeding Flank Steak to three cats loitering by cooking stations will add orange cats that appear in home instances playing with a snowball.

Feeding these cats by the cooking station Flank Meat will make them appear in the home instance.

Feeding the ghostly cat while under a ghost transformation will make the ghostly cat's spirit appear in the home instance.

Feeding poultry meat to these four grey cats and kittens will add them to your home instances.

This Cat resembles a Bee Dog inside the Super Adventure Box.

Bring a Piranha to the top of the Gong Pagoda from the Piranha Pond.

Infantile and Normal modes only.

This Cat is in Fractal 99 and appears in your home after feeding him all 5 items.

Feline Familiar

Feline Familiar

18 Oct 2016

Feline Familiar is a black cat with a witch hat on. You can only obtain this if you have at least one other cat unlocked in your home instance.
You will also need to find someone who has an Enchanted Broom; an item that came with the Witch's Outfit that is available during Halloween.

  • First, go to Archen Foreland wp [&BKMBAAA=] in Bloodtide Coast & talk to the heart vendor nearby.

  • Purchase a green Frog in a Jar.

  • Then get your friend who has an Enchanted Broom to summon the Feline Familiar near you.

  • Then use the special skill "Feline Communication".

  • Return to your home instance. The Feline Familiar is usually near the Raw Candy Corn node.

Lady Wisteria Whiskigton

8 Feb 2017

Lady Wisteria Whiskington

Lady Wisteria Whiskington is a cat that you can get for your home
instance. Before you begin, you will need to get some food. She will only eat:

  • Bowl of Bloodstone Bisque (from the Soup Pot in the Labor Camp PoI in Salvation Pass. Spice it up with a Pile of Bloodstone Dust.)

  • Bowl of Bloodstone Goulash (from Sous-Chef Seimur Oxbone on Wed in The Grove)

  • Bowl of Bloodstone Ice Cream (from Sous-Chef Seimur Oxbone on Fri in The Grove)

Sous-Chef Seimur Oxbone roams around. His schedule can be found here.

  • Next, go to your Story Journal & activate Living World Season 3, Episode 4: The Head of the Snake. Enter the last chapter instance in Lake Doric, Beetlestone Manor.

  • Do the story as usual until you defeat Caudecus in the manor. Then take the stairs that goes east. She is in one of the rooms.

  • Feed the kitty & she will follow you home! :D

You can also purchase cat toys from Holomancer Netto. She is in the northwest corner of Rata Sum, near Research wp [&BLgEAAA=]. 


8 Aug 2017


Catmander's Compendium unlocks the mechanic for the account and can be purchased from Cat Commander NPCs for:

  • 300g + 250 Badges of Honor (if player does not have the original Commander tag) or

  • 150g + 250 Badges of Honor (if player has the original Commander tag).

If you feed the catmanders with specific food, they will appear in your homeinstance. Please note that you have to feed the Catmander NPC themselves and not the Mini Catmander.

Blue Catmander

The Blue Catmander is found in Alpine Borderlands Jump Puzzle area. Before you head there, make sure you have a Gift of Battle with you.

  • To obtain the Gift of Battle, you must complete the Gift of Battle Item Reward Track.

  • Press 'B' to open your WvW window and look for the track.

  • Activate it and continue to gain World Ability Points until the bar is full.

  • You will receive the Gift of Battle when the track is completed. This is repeatable.

Yellow Catmander

The Yellow Catmander is found in Desert Borderlands Jump Puzzle area. Before you head there, make sure you have a Can of Spicy Meat Chili with you. There are a few ways to get this item.

  • Skirmish Chests - Drops as part of each tier of the WvW Skirmish reward track. You can select Can of Spicy Chili from the list of items.
  • Skirmish Supervisor - The Skirmish Supervisor is a merchant who accepts WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets that can be found in every World versus World map. You can select Can of Spicy Chili from the list of items.
  • Permanent Portable Provisioner - In WvW Rank & Abilities, slotting 1 bar into Provisions Master will allow you to purchase a Permanent Portable Provisioner. However, you need 3 bars to purchase the Can of Spicy Meat Chili.

Snow Leopard Cub

Snow Leopard Cub

21 Nov 2016

Snow Leopard Cub is a frozen cub found near Bitterfrost Frontier Insight: The Bitter Cold.


You will need Cold Resistance buff to get in the Bitter Cold area.

In the last propulsion, glide out and onto the ledge or you will die.
Bring a Kodan Torch with you before using the Thermal Tubes. 

Collect the ingredients to make the Thaw Elixir:

  • 8 Clump of Frostbitten Suet,

  • 12 Fresh Winterberries,

  • 3 Cold-Resistant Eggshells &

  • 1 Grawl Firestone


Then go to Dragon's Teeth Hot Spring to get the Cold Resistance buff. You can now head into the Bitter Cold to get your Snow Leopard Cub!

Ember Bay's Orange Cats

20 Sep 2016

Ember Bay's Orange Cats

There are 2 hungry orange cats in Ember Bay.
You will need:

  • 3 Ghost Peppers & 

  • a Plate of Fire Flank Steak.


The first one is by Castaway Circus waypoint on the west side of the map. The orange cat is right by some Circus Castaways, barrels and tents. This orange cat likes the Ghost Peppers in your bag. If you have more than 3 Ghost Peppers, it will only take 3,  

Port to Scratch Gate waypoint on the east side of the map. Head south to an isle in the lava & pick up a Stranded Skritt along the way. Keep going south to the isle in the lava where First Mate Ch'kee is at. There are Captain's Elixirs and a tent here. Feed the Plate of Fire Flank Steak to the orange cat.

Then go back to your home instance to find them there!

Fighting Black Cats

Fighting Black Cats

4 Oct 2016

This requires you to have one of each profession. The items can be bought from the BLTC, unless otherwise stated.


1. 39 Carrots - Revenant
Go to Heart of the Mists, Combat Training wp [&BEoFAAA=]. Head east of the wp & up the stairs. Cross the waters in front of the waterfall & keep going till you see a bench. 


2. Bowl of Curry Mussel Soup (acct bound) - Guardian
Obtain the recipe from Whispers Keeper [Merchant] in Dragon's Stand nearby Pact Base Camp waypoint. Requires 400 Chef and 100 Crystalline Ore or 75 Proof of Heroics for the recipe. Get on your 400 Chef to craft it. It is account bound.
Port to Soren Draa wp [&BEAAAAA=], in Metrica Province. There is cat just beside the portal.

3. Flask of Pumpkin Oil - Engineers
Port to Engineers Smokestead wp [&BIABAAA=] in Plains of Ashford. Cat is between 2 Iron Legion Charrs.


4. Harpy Feathers (Soulbound) - Thief
Port to Arca wp [&BLIAAAA=] in Harathi Hinterlands. Complete the event "Defend the skritt thieves while they steal harpy eggs". Purchase Harpy Feathers from Forager Hitkiti when the event is completed. Go back to Engineers Smokestead wp [&BIABAAA=] in Plains of Ashford. The cat is near some Ash Legion Scouts, west of the wp.


5. Cheeseburger - Warrior

Port to Shaemoor wp [&BO8AAAA=] in Queensdale. Cat is by the overhead bridge, north of wp.

6. Mystery Tonic - Mesmer

Port to Shaemoor wp [&BO8AAAA=] in Queensdale. Run towards Divinity's Reach, near the house on the left.

7. Grumble Cake - Necromancer

Port to Horncall wp [&BHQBAAA=] in Wayfarer Foothills. East of the wp on a rocky ledge.  

8. Healing Seed Pod (soulbound) - Ranger

Port to Lionbridge wp [&BJsDAAA=] in Gendarran Fields. Complete the event "Help Denton and Chief Cherpa safely transport their supplies through the swamp". When he stops at the camp, purchase a Healing Seed Pod from Denton the Durable. Go to Astorea Waypoint [&BDQBAAA=] in Caledon Forest. Cat is next to a pond with a Juvenile Frog.

9. Slice of Rainbow Cake (account bound) - Elementalist

From Ministers wp [&BP4EAAA=], go to the ground floor, towards Eastern Commons. Purchase Slice of Rainbow Cake from Jeremi the Carny for 40c. Go back to Astorea Waypoint [&BDQBAAA=] in Caledon Forest. The cat is right in front of the wp.

Black Cats with Snowball

Black Cats with Snowball

23 Aug 2016

There are 4 hungry black cats; 2 in Dry Top & 2 in the Silverwastes, that like ice cream desserts!

1. Bowl of Prickly Pear Sorbet 
Port to Dry Top Entry wp [&BIAHAAA=]. Purchase Bowl of Prickly Pear Sorbet for 90-165 Geode from the merchant nearby. Requires 400 Chef to craft it. Go back to Dry Top Entry wp & feed it to the Cat nearby.

2. Bowl of Ginger-Lime Ice Cream
Purchase Bowl of Ginger-Lime Ice Cream from BLTC. Port to Prosperity Waypoint [&BHoHAAA=] in Dry Top & head south to a tent.    

3. Bowl of Saffron-Mango Ice Cream
Purchase Bowl of Saffron-Mango Ice Cream from BLTC. Then port to Camp Resolve wp [&BH8HAAA=] in the Silverwastes. Head north towards the skritt tunnel. The cat is near Ambassador Ikkhit'ch.

4. Bowl of Peach Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream
Port to Hidden Depths Waypoint [&BKwHAAA=] in Dry Top. If it's contested, run from Camp Resolve wp [&BH8HAAA=].
Silverwastes, The The cat is at the Hero challenge in the Vinewrath Tangle. Area can be accessed during the Mordrem Vinewrath or Time Out meta events.

Orange Cats Chefs

Orange Cats Chefs

13 Dec 2016

Purchase from Black Lion Trading Company:

  • Bowl of Poultry and Leek Soup,

  • Super-Hot Saffron-Scented Poultry Soup,

  • Super-Hot Poultry and Winter Vegetable Soup &

  • Super-Hot Lemongrass Poultry Soup.

Port to Avernan waypoint in Mount Maelstrom with all the soup in your bag. Head southwest to the entrance of the the mountain, then head north. Interact with Heart of the Destroyer by the lava & heat up the four soup in your bag, one by one. The 4 soup will become account bound.

  1. Super-Hot Saffron-Scented Poultry Soup
    Port to Ronan's Waypoint [&BLwEAAA=] in The Grove.

  2. Super-Hot Poultry and Winter Vegetable Soup
    Port to Snow Leopard Waypoint [&BIcDAAA=] in Hoelbrak. Cat is near the Snow Leopard statue, NE of the wp.

  3. Super-Hot Lemongrass Poultry Soup
    Port to Research Waypoint [&BLgEAAA=] in Rata Sum. Head NW, down the steps and into the jail area.

  4. Super-Hot Poultry and Leek Soup
    Port to Junker's Waypoint [&BDcEAAA=] in Black Citadel. Head southeast.

Check your home instance for the 4 orange cats! They are all gathered around a Pot of Cat-Made Soup!  

Orange Cooking Station Cat

Orange Cooking Station Cats

23 Aug 2017

Purchase from BLTC:

  • Spicier Flank Steak

  • Spicy Flank Steak

  • Plate of Fire Flank Steak

  1. Spicier Flank Steak0:08
    Port to Hawkgates wp [&BNMAAAA=] in Fields of Ruin & head south. The cat is next to the cooking station.

  2. Spicy Flank Steak
    Port to Trader's Forum Waypoint [&BBAEAAA=] in Lion's Arch & head southwest. The cat is next to the cooking station.

  3. Plate of Fire Flank Steak
    Port to Commons wp [&BCoDAAA=] in Divinity's Reach & head NW. The cat is next to the cooking station. 

Ghostly Cat in Lake Doric

8 Feb 2017

Ghostly Cat in Lake Doric

You have to eat either an Omnomberry Ghost or one or more Strawberry Ghosts to become a ghost and then offer another one of these to the cat.

Strawberry Ghost only has a chance to turn you into a ghost, whereas Omnomberry Ghost always turns you into a ghost.

Port to Red Leaf Retreat Waypoint in Lake Doric. The Ghostly Cat only appears at night in a random location in the forest of Harvest Cascades.

Grey Cats & Kittens

9 & 23 Aug 2016

Grey Cats & Kittens

Purchase from Black Lion Trading Company:

  • 3 Slabs of Poultry Meat,

  • 1 Grilled Poultry

Night Time only:

Port to Ronan's Waypoint [&BLwEAAA=] in The Grove. Head SW to The House of Caithe's PoI. The kitten is next to it. It will only take the Slab of Poultry Meat at night.

Day Time only:
Port to Ronan's Waypoint [&BLwEAAA=] in The Grove. Head North to Dreamer's Terrace. The kitten is next to it. It will only take the Slab of Poultry Meat during the day.

Port to Beetletun Waypoint [&BPoAAAA=] in Queensdale. The cat is just north of the waypoint. There are a few cats around so you might have to check each one.


Grilled Poultry
Port to Eastern Ward Waypoint [&BDEEAAA=] in Lion's Arch. Head east. The cat is outside the Lion's Shadow Bed and Breakfast.

Super Adventure Cat

30 Mar 2017

Super Adventure Cat

Available only during Super Adventure Box festival.

  • World 2 Zone 2 Pain Cliffs

  • Infantile or Normal mode only

This cat resembles a bee dog, located on top of the Gong Pagoda.


Enter W2Z2 in Infantile mode.

Get to Checkpoint 4 using the rainbow clouds. After Checkpoint 4, take the normal route and clear all mobs until Checkpoint 8.

Go back to Checkpoint 5 and pick up a piranha.

Remember to drop (`) and pick up (1) the piranha every 5 seconds!

Bring the piranha to the cat on the top floor of the Gong Pagoda!

This cat will appear in your home instance as an orange cat with black stripes, blue bauble collar and blue cube aura!

Simon Fractal99

25 Jul 2017

Simon, the Celestial Cat

Available in Fractal level 99: Shattered Observatory.

Feed the cat the following 5 items to make it appear in your home instance:

  • 1 Integrated Fractal Matrix

  • 1Golden Fractal Relic

  • 1+9 Agony Infusion

  • 1Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy

  • 40 Unstable Fractal Essences

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