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Hiram Gear

When you get to Diamond Shores via your Green Quests, you will get Equipment Awakening Scroll

Rank 3. This turns your mission equipment into a Level 50 Hiram gear.

If you do not have mission equipment or would like to change equipment, you can farm the Abyssal Legion mobs in Diamond Shores for Hiram drops.

You can also do Hiram dailies for scrolls and infusions.

Hiram Dailies

These are dailies that you can obtain from Level 50 onwards. Only Abyssal Legion mobs count for most of Auroria.

For Western and Eastern Hiram Mountains, any mob will count towards your daily.

DS Hiram dailies
Diamond Shores (Level 50)

Quest Name: Diamond Shores Guard

Questgiver: Drillmaster Raysen

Reward: 3 Unidentified Hiram Infusion

Sungold Fields hiram dailies
Sungold Fields (Level 52)

Quest Name: Guardian of Sungold Fields

Questgiver: Hiram Herald

Reward: 10 Hiram Awakening Scroll and/or

              6 Unidentified Hiram Infusion

Exeloch hiram dailies
Exeloch (Level 52)

Quest Name: Guardian of Exeloch

Questgiver: Hiram Herald

Reward: 5 Hiram Awakening Scroll and/or 

             4 Unidentified Hiram Infusion

Reedwind hiram dailies.jpg
Reedwind (Level 52)

Quest Name: Guardian of Reedwind

Questgiver: Hiram Herald

Reward: 5 Hiram Awakening Scroll and/or 

             4 Unidentified Hiram Infusion

Western Hiram dailies
Western Hiram Mountains (Level 55)

Quests Name: The Abyssal Legion

Reward: 7 Radiant Hiram Awakening Infusion Scroll and/or

             6 Mysterious Hiram Infusion

Quest Name: Animal Control

Reward: 7 Radiant Hiram Awakening Infusion Scroll and/or

             6 Mysterious Hiram Infusion

Quest Name: Mutated Animals

Reward: 7 Radiant Hiram Awakening Infusion Scroll and/or

             6 Mysterious Hiram Infusion

Eastern Hiram Dailies
Eastern Hiram Mountains (Level 55)

Quests Name: Haradium Abominations

Reward: 10 Radiant Hiram Infusion and/or

              2 Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll

Quest Name: Stop the Abyssal Legion

​Reward: 20 Radiant Hiram Infusion and/or

             4 Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll

Quest Name: Black Forest Treants

​Reward: 5 Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll

Quest Name: Millenium Mammoth

​Reward: 5 Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll

Daily Raids

You can do daily raids for Improved Infusion Supply Kits. Use them to enhance your gear.

Improved Infusion Supply Kit gives

  • Mysterious Hiram Infusion (for Hiram gear) or

  • Mysterious Abyssal Enhancer (for dungeon gear).

You can do the following daily raids for infusions:

  • Golden Plains Battle (twice a day) - 1st -20, 2nd -16, 3rd-12 infusions (4k gs requirement)

  • Crimson Rift (once a day) - 9 infusions

  • Grimghast Rift (once a day) - 9 infusions

  • Fall of Hiram - up to 20

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